The Columbarium
In life and death and life beyond death, God is with us, we are not alone, and we are God's people now and evermore.
At the time of death, these are the traditional words of promise and hope proclaimed by the Church in the midst of grief, sorrow, transition and renewal. These words are the foundation of the promise of the Christian faith, grounded in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are the words of God's grace and love. Thanks be to God!
In life and death and life beyond death, God is with us, we are not alone, and we are God's people now and evermore.
At the time of death, these are the traditional words of promise and hope proclaimed by the Church in the midst of grief, sorrow, transition and renewal. These words are the foundation of the promise of the Christian faith, grounded in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These are the words of God's grace and love. Thanks be to God!
What Is a Columbarium?
The word "columbarium" is derived from "Columba," the Latin word for "dovecote," a compartmented house where doves, the symbol of God's spirit and peace, come to roost. In modern usage, a columbarium is a consecrated structure created for the interment of the deceased's ashes after cremation. A columbarium, within his or her church, is a respectful place for the remains of a Christian. Set in the peaceful surroundings of the church property, it is a place for quiet meditation and prayer.
The word "columbarium" is derived from "Columba," the Latin word for "dovecote," a compartmented house where doves, the symbol of God's spirit and peace, come to roost. In modern usage, a columbarium is a consecrated structure created for the interment of the deceased's ashes after cremation. A columbarium, within his or her church, is a respectful place for the remains of a Christian. Set in the peaceful surroundings of the church property, it is a place for quiet meditation and prayer.
Throughout the history of Christianity, the church has provided burial within churchyards or crypts. This ancient tradition is consistent with the church's belief in a decent and reverent burial for all. For family and friends, a measure of comfort may be drawn from internment on consecrated church property.
Throughout the history of Christianity, the church has provided burial within churchyards or crypts. This ancient tradition is consistent with the church's belief in a decent and reverent burial for all. For family and friends, a measure of comfort may be drawn from internment on consecrated church property.
Sacred Ministries of Christ UMC
One of the most sacred ministries of Christ Church is to provide pastoral care and comfort in times of need, suffering and sorrow. Assisting families at the time of death is essential to this ministry.
One of the most sacred ministries of Christ Church is to provide pastoral care and comfort in times of need, suffering and sorrow. Assisting families at the time of death is essential to this ministry.
A Holy Place
While in modern times the traditional churchyard has virtually disappeared as an actively used place of burial, Christ Church is able to provide a consecrated, perpetually maintained columbarium for the secure placement of urns containing the cremated remains of both present and former members and their families.
While in modern times the traditional churchyard has virtually disappeared as an actively used place of burial, Christ Church is able to provide a consecrated, perpetually maintained columbarium for the secure placement of urns containing the cremated remains of both present and former members and their families.
Cost Associated with Interment in a Columbarium Niche
A niche is the name used to describe the place in a columbarium, where the urn containing the cremated remains of a loved one is properly secured. All niches in the Christ Church columbarium are double niches suitable for holding two urns. To save costs, ask for the standard container furnished by the funeral home. We will then transfer the remains into the urn provided by us.
The cost of a niche, two urns, and perpetual care is $3,300 or $3,000 for one urn.
(The costs associated with cremation, services by a funeral home, or arrangements other than those mentioned above are not included.)
A niche is the name used to describe the place in a columbarium, where the urn containing the cremated remains of a loved one is properly secured. All niches in the Christ Church columbarium are double niches suitable for holding two urns. To save costs, ask for the standard container furnished by the funeral home. We will then transfer the remains into the urn provided by us.
The cost of a niche, two urns, and perpetual care is $3,300 or $3,000 for one urn.
(The costs associated with cremation, services by a funeral home, or arrangements other than those mentioned above are not included.)
Benefits of a Columbarium
·Pre-selecting a site will give church members and their family assurance that Christ United Methodist Church will provide respectful, responsible, and pastoral care for the site in perpetuity.
· Purchasing a columbarium niche eliminates the pressures of choosing a burial site, casket, vault and monument. There is no need to plan for interment and memorial services at different locations and times.
· With a columbarium there are substantial savings because cost is limited to cremation, the niche and the obituary. It has been estimated that the minimum cost of an in-ground burial in the Dallas area, not including the cost of the plot, ranges from $10,000 to $13,000 and up.
·Pre-selecting a site will give church members and their family assurance that Christ United Methodist Church will provide respectful, responsible, and pastoral care for the site in perpetuity.
· Purchasing a columbarium niche eliminates the pressures of choosing a burial site, casket, vault and monument. There is no need to plan for interment and memorial services at different locations and times.
· With a columbarium there are substantial savings because cost is limited to cremation, the niche and the obituary. It has been estimated that the minimum cost of an in-ground burial in the Dallas area, not including the cost of the plot, ranges from $10,000 to $13,000 and up.
Administration of the Columbarium
Administration of the columbarium is under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of Christ United Methodist Church, Farmers Branch, Texas. The actions of the Board of Trustees are subject to approval by Christ Church's charge conference.
Administration of the columbarium is under the supervision of the Board of Trustees of Christ United Methodist Church, Farmers Branch, Texas. The actions of the Board of Trustees are subject to approval by Christ Church's charge conference.
For more information about the Memorial Garden and Columbarium email Tom Minton.